
Safety Modifications for a Senior Friendly Kitchen

As seniors age, their abilities to live independently may falter. For some, moving in with family or into an assisted living place is key to keeping them safe, healthy and happy. However, moving may signify a loss of independence that many seniors are not ready to give up. For family members, watching their elderly relatives live alone may be worrisome, especially if the relative is older and has shown a loss of cognitive function. Living alone can be very dangerous for an elderly person. Various parts of the house can...

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Most Common Types of Cancer Treatment

As you age, your risk for cancer increases. Fortunately though, cancer treatment has come a long way in the past couple decades and most people who are diagnosed go on to live long, happy lives. As cancer numbers continue to rise though, many elderly people begin to wonder if they are at risk, and if so, what treatment options they could be facing? Risk Factors Unfortunately, age is a large risk factor for developing cancer. As people age, their cells lose their ability to renew themselves as easily as when...

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Fire Safety Tips for the Elderly

After retirement, most elderly people want to do is relax. Having worked their entire lives to own their homes, cars and provide for their families, they deserve a few years of quiet and relaxation. As elderly people move forward in retirement they may start to notice different things about themselves. It is inevitable that as people age they often grow more dependent on those around them. Often elderly people become forgetful and begin having chronic health issues. As they age, their risk of home accidents increases dramatically. One major accident...

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Common Causes of Dizziness and Loss of Balance in the Elderly

Dizziness and loss of balance in the elderly can be caused by many different things and can be quite dangerous as it can cause falls and injuries or be an indicator of another medical issue. Family caregivers should know what can cause dizziness so that they are able to prevent it in their loved ones or help them seek treatment. In this article we would like to share some information about the causes of dizziness and loss of balance in the elderly to help family caregivers provide the best possible...

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Common Causes of Knee Problems in the Elderly

Knee problems may occur at any age, but seniors are a particularly vulnerable age group due to the associated physiological changes of ageing.  Seniors tend to develop some problems with mobility as time goes by. When we have elderly family members living with us at home, it can be easy to dismiss these mobility problems, specifically the knee problems that seniors face as a common sign of ageing, but it can also be a sign of a medical condition. In this article we would like to offer some information about...

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Homemade Gift Ideas for Elderly Loved Ones

Seniors can be hard to shop for as many seniors already have everything they want for their home or have to give up some of their belongings to move to an assisted living facility.  Even if your elderly loved ones seem to have everything, they will probably appreciate a thoughtful homemade gift.  Some people decide against homemade gifts because they think that making something on their own will be too difficult, but that is not always true.  We at Carefect Home Care Services understand that everyone has different skills and...

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Caring For an Elderly Loved One after Stroke

Caring for a loved one after a stroke can be very difficult for many family caregivers so it is important to know what to expect. Strokes can affect people in different ways and can even lead to different types of long term issues, but there are some basic things that family caregivers can do to help their loved ones. In this article we would like to offer some information for family caregivers about caring for an elderly loved one after a stroke. Research The first thing that family caregivers should...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Arthritis

Arthritis is a relatively common condition among people, especially in the elderly community – However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the disease.  With the proper knowledge, arthritis can be treated and the symptoms can be controlled so it is important for seniors and family caregivers to be able to distinguish what is true and what is not when it comes to arthritis.  In this article we would like to share some information with regards to these common myths and misconceptions about arthritis. One of the most common myths...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, neurological disease that mainly affects those in the elderly community. Around 1 in 500 people develop Parkinson’s disease and there is no way to prevent or cure it. Most people know very little about Parkinson’s disease but it is very important for family caregivers to understand the myths and misconceptions surrounding Parkinson’s disease so that they can provide their loved ones with the best possible care. In this article we would like to offer some information to help family caregivers discern myth from fact when...

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Common Problems of Ageing Feet

As we age the feet become more prone to problems because the skin begins to thin out and lose its elasticity. These problems can be very painful and uncomfortable but it is possible to treat or prevent them so that seniors can continue to enjoy their life without constantly being in pain. In this article we would like to offer some information on common problems of ageing feet as well as some tips on how to treat or prevent these issues. One of the most common problems for ageing feet...

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