
Eldercare: Common Myths and Misconceptions about Cataracts

Despite the fact that cataracts represent one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, there is significant misinformation about the formation of cataracts and the surgical procedures that remove them. Myths and old wives' tales regarding health are common in the health community. Old wives’ tales can sometimes be true and based on a history of experience. However, some myths can be damaging, so it is important to believe medical information from an expert in their field. Cataracts are the predominant cause of blindness with more cases than glaucoma, diabetic...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Home Care

In today’s society, much of the elderly population is choosing not to go into a nursing home or an assisted living facility once they grow older. Instead, many seniors are opting to stay in their own homes and hire caregivers. Caregivers come with a variety of skills and can help your loved ones care for themselves both personally and medically. Caregivers can run errands, prep meals, finish laundry, or provide a variety of medical care to your loved ones. They also can come to your loved one’s homes as frequently...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about the Flu

Myths about the flu virus run as rampant as the virus itself. There are so many myths and misconceptions surrounding the flu virus, that it is hard to keep them at bay during flu season. Unfortunately, many of the myths and misconceptions are so misconstrued that they propagate completely false information throughout the medical world. With flu and cold season on the horizon, it is essential that you get your facts straight about the nasty flu virus. To start you off, here are a few of the common myths and...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an immune mediated disease that causes your own immune system to attack the myelin sheaths of your axons in your nervous system. Axons propagate electrical signals throughout your body that allow you to move and function properly. They are covered in tissues known as myelin, which helps propagate the electrical signals quickly throughout your body. In patients with MS, their myelin sheaths in their central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) can become degraded. This degradation leads to a loss or slowing of certain functions due...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Arthritis

Arthritis is a relatively common condition among people, especially in the elderly community – However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the disease.  With the proper knowledge, arthritis can be treated and the symptoms can be controlled so it is important for seniors and family caregivers to be able to distinguish what is true and what is not when it comes to arthritis.  In this article we would like to share some information with regards to these common myths and misconceptions about arthritis. One of the most common myths...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, neurological disease that mainly affects those in the elderly community. Around 1 in 500 people develop Parkinson’s disease and there is no way to prevent or cure it. Most people know very little about Parkinson’s disease but it is very important for family caregivers to understand the myths and misconceptions surrounding Parkinson’s disease so that they can provide their loved ones with the best possible care. In this article we would like to offer some information to help family caregivers discern myth from fact when...

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