
Elder Care: Family Caregiver vs. Professional Caregiver

When your elderly loved one begins to need caregiving, it is often the family that is the first in line to assist. Due to an increasingly aging global population, the role of caregivers has become a critical part of our national and communal healthcare. Eldercare has always been a valuable part of community living, but with the increase of elders and their life expectancy, it is becoming a ‘hot topic’ as to what strategies must be implemented. Culturally, it is expected for the adult children of ailing parents to take...

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Signs of Caregiver Burnout and Tips for Prevention

Caregivers are some of the hardest working and selfless people you’d ever meet. Whether it is through love or duty, they have stepped up to the plate to care for their elderly or disabled loved one. Whilst it is honorable to care for loved ones in need, that care is not without sacrifice. Caregivers must juggle the many roles they have: parent, spouse, worker, caregiver. Without support and compassionate boundaries, this can be daunting for caregivers, and often makes them feel like they are failing at all their relationships and...

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The Benefits of Art Therapy for Seniors

Art therapy is the subject of modern discussions around rehabilitation and enrichment for people in need of self-care or wellness-based activities. Art therapy for the elderly has grown in interest as a tool for increasing the quality of life for seniors, especially seniors with dementia or other cognitive disabilities as it has been shown to have a favorable effect on their treatment process. As well, art therapy is flexible and accessible which allows for seniors of varying socioeconomic statuses to reap the benefits by participating in ways that make sense...

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Home Care Services and Pet Therapy

Benefits of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The presence of a beloved pet or animal companion can bring joy and comfort to people of all ages, especially seniors. Whilst not all situations are the same, if you have a senior in your life that is an animal lover, introducing an animal companion system can be hugely beneficial to their mental and physical health. Spending time with an animal companion, similarly to spending time with a loved one, can assist with isolation-related loneliness, social enrichment and physical engagement. Even if a senior is unable to care full time...

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Signs it is Time to Hire Home Care services

Most seniors are enjoying their silver years being happy, healthy and independent, however, some may benefit from extra assistance depending on their individual circumstances. This subject may also be a sensitive topic as seniors have lived a rich life full of personal adventure and professional excellence. They are used to people, especially their children, being dependent on them, rather than them growing dependent on their children. This can be a frustrating and difficult transition; therefore, it is important to address this developmental milestone with grace and empathy. Ensure that you...

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Independence and In-Home Care for Seniors

The value of dignity is immeasurable; no matter our age or ability level, we all strive to live a life with dignity and joy. That can look different for different people, but at the core is our desire for both community and independence. Independence can be a tricky subject with our senior loved ones. They have lived a full capable life and continue to do so, however, with Aging comes new challenges. These challenges can be frustrating for a highly independent person. It does not mean they are incapable, far...

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Home Care Nursing Services

How Caregiving May Change Your Personality

Being a long-term caregiver for someone in your family is bound to change you and make a huge impact on your life. Most of the times, the changes that occur in your personality will be positive and beneficial. Caregivers tend to become more compassionate and caring people, and feel more empathetic to others who are going through health issues. However, caregivers may also experience negative personality changes as well. After working as a caregiver for many months to many years, you may experience the negative consequences of caregiver burnout. Stress,...

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How to determine if a Caregiver is doing a Good Job

If you have finally taken the plunge and have decided to hire an in-home caregiver for your elderly loved one, then congratulations. Hiring an in-home caregiver is a big step for both you and your loved one. In-home caregivers allow your loved one to get the help they need in the setting of their own home. It allows your loved one to gain some of their independence back and to have someone to rely on throughout the day while you and other family members may be at work. Hiring an...

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Dealing with a Clingy Elder

One of the largest concerns on the minds of most caregivers is their elderly loved one’s behavior. As people grow older, they may resent being alone, and if they have a caregiver, they may not want their caregiver to leave them alone. In fact, many elderly adults never want their caregivers out of their sight. For caregivers, this can be extremely stressful and guilt-inducing, especially if the caregiver is a family member. If you are taking care of your elderly loved ones, then leaving them when they feel clingy can...

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Ways to Be a True Friend to a Family Caregiver

Caregivers often find that many of their friends drift away over time. Being a caregiver is a stressful, tedious job that takes up a lot of time and often has unconventional hours. Due to this, friends tend to fall by the wayside as a caregiver fully commits him or herself to their job. These friends are not bad people, but they simply do not understand how to help their caregiver friend and they may find it easier to hang out with people who have more time. Plus, caregiver’s often lead...

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