
Living with Multiple Sclerosis (Part 1)

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediate disease that affects millions of people around the world. The disease is a progressive, chronic disease that affects the myelin sheaths of your central nervous system. Overtime, the myelin sheath on your neurons will degrade and you will lose the ability to propagate nerve impulses quickly. This results in impaired functions and memory, depending on which neurons and nerves are affected. MS is a progressive disease that does not have a cure yet, meaning that patients who are diagnosed with the disease must cope...

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Medical Alert Systems for the Elderly

Medical identification jewelry and tags are essential for elderly people who live alone. In today’s high tech, connected world, it is vital that elderly people who live alone will also have a connection to the outside world. Medical alert and identification systems allow seniors to be instantly connected with emergency services if something bad occurs. Medical identification jewelry and tags are designed to be worn all of the time just in case an emergency happens and the senior cannot reach the phone. When they were first brought onto the market,...

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Dysarthria (Slurred Speech) in the Elderly

Slurred speech, or dysarthria, is a common disorder that affects much of the elderly population. The condition occurs when the muscles of the mouth, face and throat become weakened and stop working properly. As people age, they begin to lose muscle mass all over their body. Most elderly people lose most of their muscle mass from their legs, core and arms. However, it is possible to lose muscle mass in your chest, face, and mouth. If you lose muscle strength in these areas than your speech and your ability to...

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Early Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can be a debilitating disease, and it is definitely a diagnosis that will change your life forever. The disease is an immune mediated disorder that primarily attacks your central nervous system. For this reason, it can greatly impair your thoughts, movements and functions. Multiple sclerosis cannot be prevented, however doctors do know that the earlier it is caught, the easier it is to treat and the greater the prognosis is for the patient. In this article we will discuss the early signs of Multiple Sclerosis. Vision Problems...

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What Your Eyes Can Tell You about Your Health

Human eyes have often been referred to as the window to the soul. While this may or may not be true, our eyes do have the ability to tell a vibrant story about our health. By simply looking into someone’s eyes, you can often tell if they have very obvious eye issues such as cataracts or glaucoma. However, by noticing a few simple details about the person, you can easily tell if they have a little more going on with their health. For seniors, checking their eyes and on a...

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How to Deal with Foot Odor

Foot odor can be extremely annoying. It can be difficult to get rid of, and can cause you anxiety. If your feet smell bad, then your shoes could begin to smell as well, and then, your closet may begin to smell as well. Foot odor in the elderly is a common problem. It is often caused by bacteria growth and sweat. If you or one of your loved ones suffers from odorous feet, then follow these simple steps to get rid of the odor, and to make your life so...

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Valentine’s Day Activities for Seniors

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love for your spouse, partner, significant other and your family. Over the years it has been hailed as a holiday for lovers, but for some seniors this holiday is less than happy. Unfortunately, many seniors are without their loved one on Valentine’s Day. This can cause sadness to ensue and simply remind them of their loss. But, Valentine’s Day does not have to be a sad day for those who have lost their loved ones. Instead, family caregivers and family members can easily...

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Safety Modifications for a Senior Friendly Bedroom

Most homes are designed for people who are young and able to move around freely. For this reason, as people age, their homes may not be up to par. As adults age, they often modify their homes to fit their needs. This may mean putting in a few extra rooms, or even remodeling certain rooms to add storage and space. As seniors age, home modifications may be more directed towards safety. If you are living alone, then a few safety modifications may be necessary to keep you comfortable and safe....

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Warning Signs for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that is characterized by loss in bone mass and density. The disease is progressive and often affects the elderly more so than any other age demographics. People with this disease are at a higher risk for bone breaks, fractures and falls. Elderly people are at the highest risk for developing primary type 2 osteoporosis. Generally, it appears in people over the age of 75, and affects more females than it does males. Since osteoporosis is a bone disease, elderly people usually do not find...

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Common Nutritional Concerns for People with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disease that affects the central nervous system. This disorder mainly affects the elderly, and is caused by a physiological decrease of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine generating cells begin to die off at alarming rates in people who have Parkinson’s disease. The reduction in the neurotransmitter dopamine results in many movement disabilities such as shaking, poverty of movement, and rigidity of muscles. In more advanced stages of the disease, dementia can occur and patients can undergo numerous psychological issues. Although there is no cure...

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