
Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is quickly becoming one of the most common diseases that affect the elderly in developed countries. Access to various fatty and sugary foods along with busy lifestyles that do not create time for exercise are causing people to put their health on the back burner and develop health issues. Type 2 Diabetes is one of these health issues that can arise if you do not watch your weight, exercise frequently, and eat healthy. This type of diabetes occurs whenever your body does not process glucose properly. If...

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What Your Eyes Can Tell You about Your Health

Human eyes have often been referred to as the window to the soul. While this may or may not be true, our eyes do have the ability to tell a vibrant story about our health. By simply looking into someone’s eyes, you can often tell if they have very obvious eye issues such as cataracts or glaucoma. However, by noticing a few simple details about the person, you can easily tell if they have a little more going on with their health. For seniors, checking their eyes and on a...

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The Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes affects thousands of people across the nation. Elderly people are especially at risk for developing the disease. Most people have an idea of what diabetes is, but they do not know the real details. If you or someone you love has diabetes or have been told they are at risk for the disease then keep reading to find out more information. Both diabetes type 1 and type 2 affect your blood sugar. In your body, your blood sugar is controlled by a hormone known as insulin. Blood glucose levels...

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The Basics of a Healthy Diabetes Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet can be very important for those with diabetes but there is no specific diet that is designated as a diabetes diet so it can be difficult to know what diet to follow. Following some basic tips can be very beneficial for those with diabetes as it helps minimize symptoms to keep you feeling healthy. In this article we would like to share some tips on the basics of a healthy diabetes diet. The most important part of a healthy diabetes diet is portion size. Eating too...

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Common Myths and Misconceptions about Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease that can be life-threatening if it is not properly managed. Being able to know what is true and what is a myth is important when it comes to diabetes because proper treatment begins with proper knowledge. In this article we would like to offer some information for family caregivers, people with diabetes and people at risk for diabetes about common myths and misconceptions about this disease. One of the most common myths associated with diabetes is that diabetes is not that serious. With the proper...

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