
Acquired Brain Injury: Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis and Prevention

In our last blog post we covered the topic of types of acquired brain injury. These types of injuries can occur from trauma or disease. The elderly are susceptible to acquired brain injuries due to their age, their weakened immune systems, their risks of developing certain health issues, and their risks for falls. It is important to always be on the lookout for an acquired brain injury in order to get medical treatment immediately. The sooner someone receives treatment, the less damage to the brain there will be. To be...

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What Your Eyes Can Tell You about Your Health

Human eyes have often been referred to as the window to the soul. While this may or may not be true, our eyes do have the ability to tell a vibrant story about our health. By simply looking into someone’s eyes, you can often tell if they have very obvious eye issues such as cataracts or glaucoma. However, by noticing a few simple details about the person, you can easily tell if they have a little more going on with their health. For seniors, checking their eyes and on a...

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Chronic Kidney Disease in the Elderly

Chronic kidney disease is an illness that often affects the elderly. It is characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function over a long time period. This disease differs from acute kidney disease due to its duration and its severity. Chronic kidney disease includes a myriad of conditions, but all of them lead to a gradual loss in kidney function which can lead to a gradual loss of health. If you have had troubles with your kidneys in the past, then it might be a good idea to talk to...

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Cataracts: What Seniors Should Know

Cataracts are small clouding of your eye’s lens that can greatly affect your vision. As people age, cataracts often form in their lenses and can cause your vision to blur or become impaired at night. There are numerous types of cataracts, but the most common are age-related cataracts and affect large numbers of elderly populations. Fortunately though, cataracts are easily treatable and can be completely removed from your eyes with a simple surgery. If you have noticed a slight clouding of your vision or have noticed that glares bother you...

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Sleep Apnea in the Elderly

Sleep Apnea is a common sleeping disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can affect people of all ages, but is most often found in people who are older. The most common characteristic of sleep apnea is poverty of breath while sleeping. Patients who have the disorder may never receive a great night’s sleep due to the constant change in their breathing patterns throughout the night. Sleep apnea is fairly common, especially in the elderly, and it can be treated. If you or your elderly relatives suffer from sleep...

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Shingles: What Seniors Should Know

Shingles is a common infection that is directly caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes Chicken Pox. Anyone who has ever been exposed to, or who has had the Chicken Pox has the varicella-zoster virus lying dormant in their bodies. At any time, this virus can reactivate, and cause Shingles to occur. This common disease can cause severe pain and a rash to occur over the body. It is highly contagious, and is the most common in patients over the age of 50. If you or someone...

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Warning Signs for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that is characterized by loss in bone mass and density. The disease is progressive and often affects the elderly more so than any other age demographics. People with this disease are at a higher risk for bone breaks, fractures and falls. Elderly people are at the highest risk for developing primary type 2 osteoporosis. Generally, it appears in people over the age of 75, and affects more females than it does males. Since osteoporosis is a bone disease, elderly people usually do not find...

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Most Common Types of Cancer Treatment

As you age, your risk for cancer increases. Fortunately though, cancer treatment has come a long way in the past couple decades and most people who are diagnosed go on to live long, happy lives. As cancer numbers continue to rise though, many elderly people begin to wonder if they are at risk, and if so, what treatment options they could be facing? Risk Factors Unfortunately, age is a large risk factor for developing cancer. As people age, their cells lose their ability to renew themselves as easily as when...

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Caring For an Elderly Loved One after Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is a relatively common procedure but the recovery time after surgery can be much more complicated so it is important for family caregivers to know what to expect.  Recovery time varies from patient to patient but family caregivers should make sure that they give their loved one enough time to heal properly and should expect to provide care for at least a few months. In this article we would like to offer some tips for caring for an elderly loved one after hip replacement.  Prepare the House...

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The Effects of Sense of Smell & Taste on Seniors Nutritional Intake

As we age our sense of smell and taste begin to change which can affect nutritional intake.  It is important for seniors and family caregivers to understand how smell and taste effect nutritional habits so that they can work with these changes and maintain a balanced diet. In this article we would like to offer some information on the effects of sense of smell and taste in the elderly on nutritional intake. There are a number of different illnesses that can cause changes in smell but in many cases changes...

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