
Caring for an Elderly Loved One with Celiac Disease

While celiac disease and gluten intolerance have a long history, research and information have become more prevalent in the last couple of years. Celiac disease is a chronic digestive and immune disorder in which the ingestion of gluten damages the small intestine. Due to its increased recognizable symptoms, more people and doctors are recognizing how prevalent it is in the population and how to accommodate using gluten-free food. Celiac disease is more prevalent in people who are more genetically predisposed to food sensitivities and will have increased issues consuming foods...

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Weight Loss: Diet and Lifestyle

Weight loss is more complex than simple dieting, as it requires a holistic approach to your overall health. However, your diet habits and nutrition do impact your weight, energy level, and sleep quality. Therefore, the way you eat and fuel your body allows you to boost your metabolism, nourish your body and foster a healthy weight. Healthy habits affect the way your body metabolizes food and allows it to nourish your body more effectively. To support your body’s metabolism, there are some habits that you can implement into your daily...

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Weight Loss: Strategies and Scams

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. From keto to counting calories, there have been countless diets and lifestyles that try and sell us the notion that weight and health are a one-size-fits-all program. Even scientific theories based on the most recent evidence are not able to account for each person’s specific genetics and abilities. While you need to be listening to scientific evidence, you must also account for your circumstances and what works for you. Weight loss has seen some interesting and dangerous...

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Health Benefits of Eating Fish for Seniors

Fish, specifically oily fish, has numerous health benefits for people of all ages. The super food has been shown by researchers all around the world to help reduce your risk of cancer, inflammation, and a myriad of chronic diseases. By simply eating the food two to three times per week, you can greatly improve your health and keep your body fit. While fish is a great choice for anyone of any age, it is a particularly great food choice for seniors. Eating oily fish such as salmon, sardines or mackerel...

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