
Carefect Blog

Mobility Aids for Seniors (Part 2)

Elevated toilet seats Many elders cannot lower themselves carefully onto a toilet seat. Elevated toilet seats can allow seniors or disabled people to sit comfortably and safely. They can either be a plastic attachment that is shaped like an exceptionally thick version of a standard toilet seat, or a framework that has a seat that encloses the toilet and provides handles, as well. They are elevated about three inches more than regular toilet seats. Handles for automobiles Seniors sometimes have trouble getting in and out of cars because of limited...

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Mobility Aids for Seniors (Part 1)

Reduced mobility is something that most of us have not even thought about, but it is something that many people all over the world struggle with every day. For seniors and disabled adults, walking even short distances can be dreadful, painful and, to some people, utterly impossible. Countless seniors and people in general are faced with the problem of limited mobility. It can affect all aspects of a person’s life from getting around in their own home to being able to attend doctor’s appointments or any social events. Mobility problems...

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Caring For Complaining or Bossy Family Member

It may be hard to care for an elderly family member to begin with, but it becomes much more difficult if they complain constantly or are bossy. It can be highly frustrating anytime your loved one ridicule you but especially when you are trying to help them. The senior’s behavior may lead to feelings of frustration, anger and bitterness, which often prolongs the negative cycle. If your family member already had a negative outlook on life, the mental and physical frustrations that go along with aging are likely to intensify...

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Helping Grandchildren Understand Alzheimer

When an elderly family member develops Alzheimer’s disease, it can affect everyone in the family, including the grandchildren. If they are young, it may be difficult for them to understand what is wrong with their grandparent and they may be hurt that their grandparent does not remember or recognize them. Whether the elderly family member lives with the family, in their own home, a nursing home or an assisted living facility, the grandchildren are usually affected by the changes they see. They may feel guilty for unpleasant things that happen...

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Gifts for Seniors with Alzheimer’s

It is hard to shop for anyone on the holidays, not knowing what they like or need. However, shopping for a gift for a senior citizen with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is a whole different challenge. You may not know what would be an appropriate and useful gift for a loved one, patient, or friend who has this disease or you may have a strained budget. We at Carefect Homecare Services know what you are going through and would like to help by suggesting suitable gifts for those seniors with...

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The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Seniors

Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine that involves essential oils and other aromatic plant properties. They are used for improving a person's mood or health.  Aromatherapy can help seniors with a vast number of illnesses and discomforts, such as symptoms related to dementia, circulation, respiratory infections, arthritis, and it can also help promote skin regeneration. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of aromatherapy in seniors, the variety of scents, and ways to receive this relaxation aid. Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to treat symptoms of illnesses or...

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Seniors and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infections, known by the abbreviation UTI, are not just a nuisance; they can also be very dangerous to your health. A urinary tract infection is caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli, that enters through the urethra of the sufferer or when the bladder does not empty completely and the bacteria multiply in the bladder or kidneys. If left untreated for a long period of time, a urinary tract infection will become something much more serious than merely a series of unpleasant symptoms. UTIs can lead to chronic kidney...

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Heart Healthy Eating after Heart Attack or Stroke

Many seniors or people in general who have had a heart attack or stroke go back to the same eating habits after they get out of the hospital. They do not believe that they are at risk for having another heart attack or stroke. However, their risk has actually increased substantially. People who have already experienced one cardiovascular or cerebrovascular event have to watch what they eat to avoid a recurrence. We at Carefect Home Care Services believe that taking into consideration the helpful tips discussed in this article will...

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How to manage Pain Naturally in Older Adults

Many seniors experience terrible pain due to a vast variety of health problems; like shingles arthritis, fractures, and poor circulation. Many of those who suffer do not want to take their medication, do not have adequate insurance or money for the medication, or do not want to voice their “problems” to their care professionals. Why do seniors have such awful pain control? There are a few answers to this question.  Seniors may be hesitant when it comes to taking their pain medication. Their doctor may have increased their dosage or...

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a frustrating and extremely common disorder that affects the large intestine or colon. Fortunately, not like more-serious intestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, this syndrome does not cause changes in bowel tissue or inflammation or increase the chance of colorectal cancer. Symptoms The main symptoms of this syndrome are abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, mucus in the stool, and an alteration in bowel habits. There may be a constant urgency for bowel movements and, tenesmus, which is the feeling of incomplete...

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